Sore Throat Clinic

Queen Street Pharmacy have trained Pharmacists who can prescribe antibiotics for Strep throat and Rheumatic fever prevention. Drop in or contact us

Strep throat (streptococcal pharyngitis)

What is strep throat?

Strep throat is a sore throat that is caused by bacteria. Without treatment it can lead to rheumatic fever. For people at higher risk of rheumatic fever, it is very important that a sore throat is always checked early by a nurse or GP. This is because untreated strep throat can cause rheumatic fever and heart damage for life.

Get your child checked by your healthcare provider whenever they have a sore throat.

Are you at risk?

You are at higher risk of rheumatic fever if you:

  • Have had rheumatic fever before

  • Someone in your family or household has had rheumatic fever

Or 2 or more of the following apply to you:

  • Māori or Pasifika ethnicity

  • Aged 3–35 years

  • Live in poorer or crowded living conditions

Need to know

  • Strep throat is different from a viral sore throat you might get with a cold. Strep throat is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus.

  • Without treatment, strep throat can cause rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever can damage your heart.

  • Strep throat is contagious. It is spread by close contact, often by breathing in droplets from an infected person’s coughs and sneezes. It can also be spread through shared food or drinks.

  • Living close to other people, such as your family home, or school and university hostels, makes it easy to pass on strep throat from one person to another.

  • Children aged between 5–15 years have the highest rate of strep throat.

Rheumatic fever

What is rheumatic fever?

Rheumatic fever is a serious illness that can cause damage in your child's heart as well as swelling and pain in their hips, knees, ankles, elbows and wrists. You may also notice a skin rash, fever or jerky movements. Over time, most of these symptoms will go away but any damage to your child's heart may be permanent.

Need to know

  • Rheumatic fever is a serious illness.

  • It often starts with a sore throat caused by strep bacteria.

  • Without treatment, strep throat can cause rheumatic fever.

  • Rheumatic fever can damage your heart – this is called rheumatic heart disease.

  • It's very important that your child does not get rheumatic fever if they have already had it.

  • The best way to stop your child having another attack of rheumatic fever is to make sure they have their regular penicillin injections on time.