Convenient and Comprehensive Healthcare at Queen Street Pharmacy

When it comes to your healthcare needs, Queen Street Pharmacy is your go-to destination. We understand that medical issues can arise at any time, including after hours when traditional healthcare options may not be readily available. That's why we're here to offer you and your whānau a comprehensive range of services, including convenient after-hours care. With our dedicated team of professionals and access to virtual doctors, we can provide timely treatment and support for common ailments and medical concerns. 

After-Hours Triage Nurse

Instead of enduring long waits at after-hours clinics, we encourage you to visit Queen Street Pharmacy for prompt attention to your healthcare needs. Our experienced triage nurse is available to assist with common ailments such as sore ears and wound dressings. By visiting us after hours, you'll receive timely care in a convenient setting, eliminating unnecessary delays and ensuring your well-being.

Virtual Doctors for Comprehensive Care

At Queen Street Pharmacy, we have embraced technology to enhance the quality and accessibility of healthcare services. Through our partnership with Practice Plus, we provide access to virtual doctors who can address a wide range of medical needs via video or phone consultations. Whether you're dealing with a common cold, seeking contraceptive options, or seeking advice on migraines, our Practice Plus clinicians are equipped to provide confidential and secure treatment remotely. In addition to treatment and prescriptions, they can also offer health counseling and provide off-work certificates. This convenient service ensures that you receive timely medical attention without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Trained Pharmacists: Prescribing Antibiotics and More

Our team of trained pharmacists at Queen Street Pharmacy goes beyond the traditional role of dispensing medications. We have the authority to prescribe antibiotics for conditions such as Strep throat and assist with Rheumatic fever prevention. This allows us to provide a comprehensive approach to your healthcare needs, ensuring that you receive appropriate treatment and support directly from our knowledgeable and experienced staff.

Drop by our pharmacy or get in touch with us to schedule a consultation or seek advice. Our friendly team is ready to assist you with professional expertise and personalized care.


Be prepared for winter


Medication Adherence: How to Take Your Medications Safely and Effectively